Author Darlie Coffey Writer. Editor. Tutor. Coffey graduated Summa cum Laude from SNHU in 2021 having earned a Bachelor’s degree in English with a concentration in creative writing. She is a member alumna of the International English Honor Society. In her earliest years, she was a storyteller. At age six, she was enrolled in a grade school fiction writing program. She was sponsored to sit for a special guest lecture on writing in junior high, and in high school, she was faculty-nominated to an exclusive journalism position. Genre fiction is a signpost for certain individuals which ought to indicate a vital connection and a precarious relevance to the world at large. Coffey categorizes her work as crossover fiction: character-driven, cerebral stories with a speculative spine which incorporate themes of identity, individuality, sense of self, gender, othering, and personal growth. Coffey cites classic 1990s genre television and film as well as contemporary dramatic fantasy and science fiction writing as major influences. The Craft (1996) Supernatural (2005-2020) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997-2003) Upstream Color (2013) Chungking Express (1994) Last Life in the Universe (2003) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez The Tiger’s Daughter by K Arsenault Rivera Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James